
Weltanschauungskrieg: (literally, worldview warfare), meaning the purportedly scientific application of propaganda, terror, and state pressure as a means of securing an ideological victory over one's enemies.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Techniques In Play Explained

Keynes At Harvard

A Higher Critical Casualty

by Chris Pinto (Biblical Historicist Researcher)

A look at commentary made on Scripture from a Materialist worldview from a Biblical worldview

Chris discusses the ongoing debates concerning the teachings of Andy Stanley, who argues that a believer’s faith should not be based on the Bible, because the Bible has too many errors in it.  Instead, he argues, a person’s faith should be on the fact that Jesus rose from the dead, and that the Resurrection was recorded by the witnesses who wrote the New Testament.  Stanley says: “Your whole house of Old Testament cards can come tumbling down.  The question is: did Jesus rise from the dead …” But can the Old Testament scriptures be forsaken? We analyze how the New Testament Gospel is built on the authority of the Old Testament prophecies of God. 

Chris Pinto playlists

Biblical World View Taught From A Biblical World View

Truth Project
Dr. Del Tackett

Almost all Biblical comments uttered and heard in Academia are colored with the Materialist "Scientific" worldview; the problem being that Academia is set up in such a way that it counters the Bible from an opposing vantage point.  This 13 part lecture series teaches the Biblical World View from the Biblical World View.

Question Of The State Of Social Psychology Is A Corrupt Discipline Answered

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck...

...has an uncanny knack of transvaluation; painting bad as good and good as bad; try googling the name with "trained as a"  and surprise surprise; on her own web site she casually mentions that she was trained as a....